CoreSelf-Positioning to Get on the Same Page, literally.

8 Steps That Refine Our Current Position and Identify Our Best Next Strategy or Real Questions™

Every day we experience challenges and tough decisions both at work and home. Often, we find ourselves, our teams, and our colleagues unable to move past the details of the challenge, unable to move forward.

We get...stuck.

CoreSelf Positioning Moves You Forward.

Unlike professional coaching services, where you rely on a personal guide for development over a period of time, CoreSelf Positioning places transformative tools and techniques in your hands, now.

The process moves individuals and teams from dependency to self-sufficiency. The key to the process is called CoreSelf Mapping™. By uncovering the connection between energy, values, and plans in the context of pressures imposed by others, CoreSelf Mapping™ shifts awareness from a focus on functional detail to monitoring progress toward big-picture goals.


Strong leaders know the answer to team challenges lies within the team members who know it best. Get ready to get on the same page, literally.


Help your clients achieve breakthrough insights and get on same page with the CoreSelf Mapping Process.


Feeling Stuck? Learn what’s important to you and how it affects your next steps. Then leverage that knowledge to move forward.

CoreSelf Map Process

CoreSelf Mapping™ is a simple and effective tool for helping individuals and teams connect with their own internal guidance system in the service of moving from conflict to strategy.

Where am I now?

Where do I want to be?

How do I get there?





CoreSelf Positioning
Tools & Resources

CoreSelf 4S Framework

This simplified and complimentary version of the CoreSelf Map helps you to slow down, make a plan and reach objectives. Try it now for FREE.

CoreSelf Mapping & Positioning

Available for individuals and groups, the guided CoreSelf Map helps navigate personal challenges to sets the stage for deeper insight and next-step strategy.


Attend a workshop combining individual and group CoreSelf Mapping™ with moderated and strategic discussion moves groups towards resolution in 3 sessions.

Train the Trainer

Become an advisor of CoreSelf Positioning to empower individuals and groups in a variety of settings from corporate to nonprofit to one-on-one.

Insights & Real Questions


The People at the Table of Our Lives

During the Holiday season, pause to reflect on this question: “Who is currently sitting with me at the table of my life?”

“Where am I” and “Where do I want to be” Thinking

“Where am I” and “Where do I want to be” Thinking

Learning to replace “I should” or “I am supposed to” thinking with “what is my best next step” is a powerful skill that can be taught, learned, and practiced in our daily lives. It starts with observing closely and asking very important questions.


“I should” and “I am supposed to …” Thinking

How expectations can trap our thinking brain We’ve all had times in life when our inner voice starts a thought that “I should …” or “I am supposed to …” The sense of obligation to meet others’ expectations can be overwhelming. Acting on our own positive beliefs reinforced our values;…