Growing as an Individual

Participate in a guided CoreSelf Map experience with a trusted advisor.

Ask Questions, Interpret Results, and Receive Feedback & Guidance

  • Professional Guided CoreSelf Mapping Experience
  • Review Results, Provide Guidance
  • 60 Minute Phone Call
  • $95 Per Session

Schedule Your CoreSelf Mapping Experience

About our Advisors

To provide you with the best possible experience and insights into your situation, you will be paired with a certified CoreSelf Mapping Advisor that has an extensive real-life understanding and knowledge of your industry. Professionals or individuals engaging in a one-hour session with an Advisor will gain a working knowledge of how to effectively navigate a CoreSelf Map. A typical session encompasses the following:

  • Discuss/Review Self-Guided CoreSelf Map (if completed)
  • Complete a CoreSelf Map Guided by an Advisor
  • Review/Discuss Results or Questions
  • Reinforce 3 Guidelines of CoreSelf Mapping
  • Consider Completing an Additional CoreSelf Map (if time allows)

Attend a Workshop

Want to experience the power of the CoreSelf Map in a group setting? We offer workshops for both individuals and companies to help solve your challenges.

Corporate Programs

CoreSelf Mapping empowers corporations to gain innovative insights into their pressing challenges.

Insights & Real Questions


“I should” and “I am supposed to …” Thinking

How expectations can trap our thinking brain We’ve all had times in life when our inner voice starts a thought that “I should …” or “I am supposed to …” The sense of obligation to meet others’ expectations can be overwhelming. Acting on our own positive beliefs reinforced our values;…


Why Giving Advice to Others is Easier than Taking It Ourselves

And The Problem With Objectively Observing Others While Critically Judging Ourselves  Recall the last time a good friend or colleague was having a tough time and how easy it was to offer practical, actionable advice. How appreciative they were for you to take the time to listen and help them…


Partnerships That Matter Most

Changing the Stage with Real Questions Having embraced being the designer of one’s own life and having practiced slowing down to balance the pressures in our daily experience -it’s time to practice building on these skills with others. Let’s move to a new professional setting, maintain our clay metaphor, and…