Accelerate personal growth when you untangle the complexities of professional and personal challenges and move towards resolution faster with CoreSelf Positioning tools and services.
Most of the time we’re fine...until we’re not.
When we're overwhelmed, we no longer think clearly or take effective action, losing sight of our values and what’s most important to us.
If you are facing a personal or professional challenge, any movement towards resolution requires that we center ourselves in regards to emotions, values and actions.
This means reducing tension, conflict, and uncertainty in ourselves and our most important relationships. But how?
Tools for Moving Forward
Simple. Not Easy developed a proprietary CoreSelf Mapping process which activates an "Internal Observor/Navigator” that helps connect us to different parts of our awareness, and then leads to the creation of sustainable plans.
Visualize this as concentric circles, like in the image. The outer rim is where intense emotions reside; they exist to protect us. The innermost circle represents your core self where you are most certain of your best next step. How do you become more centered when facing a challenge?
- First, we ask the question: “Where am I? Is my emotional self closer to the Rim or the Core? By asking this question, we engage our Internal Observer, the part of our consciousness that is both connected to, yet apart from our immediate awareness.
- Next, we ask, “Where do I want to be? What steps would most consistently move us toward resolution?
The CoreSelf Mapping Process Uncovers Your Next Steps
Engaging the Observer helps shift our awareness towards the Core and become more centered in ourselves so we can begin to:
- Spark a sense of discovery about ourselves and our relationships.
- Open up meaningful internal and external dialogue.
- Nurture trust and respect regarding ourselves and those our challenge may be related to.
- Take effective action or ask “Real Questions” in order to move forward.
- Get On The Same Page, literally with ourselves and others.
- Answer, “How do I get there?” with the best next steps for ourselves.
Insights & Real Questions
“I should” and “I am supposed to …” Thinking
How expectations can trap our thinking brain We’ve all had times in life when our inner voice starts a thought that “I should …” or “I am supposed to …” The sense of obligation to meet others’ expectations can be overwhelming. Acting on our own positive beliefs reinforced our values;…
Why Giving Advice to Others is Easier than Taking It Ourselves
And The Problem With Objectively Observing Others While Critically Judging Ourselves Recall the last time a good friend or colleague was having a tough time and how easy it was to offer practical, actionable advice. How appreciative they were for you to take the time to listen and help them…
Partnerships That Matter Most
Changing the Stage with Real Questions Having embraced being the designer of one’s own life and having practiced slowing down to balance the pressures in our daily experience -it’s time to practice building on these skills with others. Let’s move to a new professional setting, maintain our clay metaphor, and…