CoreSelf 101

Mapping Tools for Educators

Adding Soft Skills to Hard Skills Taught in Education

Providing a new tool for increasing psychological safety
With a proven, field-tested track record for individuals, teams, and entire corporations, CoreSelf Mapping can help encourage an environment of intellectual safety that restores expectations, encourages developmental growth, and increasing certainty in managing difficult situations in the classroom and beyond.

Providing Workshops On How School Administrators, Guidance Counselors, & Teachers Can Use The CoreSelf Mapping Tool To:

We share some information on how school Administrators, Guidance Counselors, & Teachers can use the CoreSelf Mapping tool to:

Provide students an easy-to-follow path to greater certainty in a variety of situations

Increase confidence in discovering “Best Next Steps”

Strengthen their capacity for self-trust, self-respect and self-certainty

Giving them an ongoing planning tool to navigate future life challenges.


CoreSelf 101 Experience in the School Setting

Teens face enormous demands every day. From struggling to be independent to social and academic pressures to balancing family, work, and extra activities, most don’t yet know they have a super power---how to tap into their inner problem-solving skills--- to prepare them for their best next step after high school.

CoreSelf Mapping is an educational tool that provides an easy-to-follow path to greater certainty with regard to a vast variety of situations. What it does:

Uses the power of positive psychology to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed or uncertain.

Promote a higher degree of self-respect and self-awareness.

Teaches teens how to access insights to build self-confidence and a sense of empowerment.

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FREE CoreSelf 4s Framework

This exercise, a precursor to the CoreSelf Map, involves identifying your 4S's: Situation, Strengths, Struggles, and Strategies.

CoreSelf Mapping Experience

Available for individuals and groups, the guided CoreSelf Map helps navigate challenges to sets the stage for deeper insight and next-step strategy.

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Our workshops help to gain valuable insights and advantages.

Insights & Real Questions


February 9, 2024

When we’re feeling overboard, out of sight of land with no rescue on the way, lifen situations can seem impossible to resolve. Consider the following three narratives. Does one resonate with you more than another? A young adult who is a serious student develops strong friendships, volunteers in the community, goes on to college and…

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Stop Keeping Score and Start Asking Real Questions

January 16, 2024

Getting on the same page with others of importance is challenging enough-being overly focused on “keeping score” can make it impossible. Unlike in sports or business, trying too hard to win in professional and personal relationships often delivers losing results. Real Questions that invite open discussion and thoughtful replies can help us get on the…

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