Harnessing Our Emotional Energy to Unlock Our Unique Human Potential
Scientists define energy as the ability to do work. Modern civilization is possible because people have learned how to change energy from one form to another and then use it to accomplish meaningful tasks.
Top 10 CoreSelf Positioning Resources
Missing a Piece of the Puzzle? Let’s Find It. Here’s our top 10 resources from our CoreSelf Positioning mindset to get you inspired and motivated this year.
How our Rituals, Rules, and Expectations define (or fool) Us
Most of us have rituals or routines that we exercise on a daily basis. But are they hijacking or focusing your actions and energy?
Changes at the Table of Our Life
New Year’s Day often represents an opportunity to make new resolutions that can impact both our health and our important relationships. Sometimes these changes prompt us to also make new observations about the table of life at which we have been sitting.
The People at the Table of Our Lives
During the Holiday season, pause to reflect on this question: “Who is currently sitting with me at the table of my life?”
“Where am I” and “Where do I want to be” Thinking
Learning to replace “I should” or “I am supposed to” thinking with “what is my best next step” is a powerful skill that can be taught, learned, and practiced in our daily lives. It starts with observing closely and asking very important questions.
“I should” and “I am supposed to …” Thinking
How expectations can trap our thinking brain We’ve all had times in life when our inner voice starts a thought that “I should …” or “I am supposed to …” The sense of obligation to meet others’ expectations can be overwhelming. Acting on our own positive beliefs reinforced our values;…
Why Giving Advice to Others is Easier than Taking It Ourselves
And The Problem With Objectively Observing Others While Critically Judging Ourselves Recall the last time a good friend or colleague was having a tough time and how easy it was to offer practical, actionable advice. How appreciative they were for you to take the time to listen and help them…
Partnerships That Matter Most – Professional
Changing the Stage with Real Questions In the first blog of this series, we explored how to become the designer of one’s own life and practiced slowing down to balance the pressures in our daily experience. Now it’s time to practice building on these skills with others. Let’s move to…
Partnerships That Matter Most – Personal
The strength of our relationship with ourselves will reinforce all other relationships in our lives. It will drive our energy levels, help us balance the vicissitudes of our daily lives, and allow us to center ourselves when needed.