CoreSelf Mapping


Partnerships That Matter Most

Changing the Stage with Real Questions Having embraced being the designer of one’s own life and having practiced slowing down to balance the pressures in our daily experience -it’s time to practice building on these skills with others. Let’s move to a new professional setting, maintain our clay metaphor, and…


Same Page or Status Quo?

My choice. Your choice. Our choice!  Getting on the same page with ourselves is a simple choice and requires nothing but an  investment of our time to ask, reflect, and answer a few real questions. Cultivating this habit— in both good and bad times—can present a challenge. Do it anyway! …

Stop Keeping Score and Start Asking Real Questions

Getting on the same page with others of importance is challenging enough-being overly focused on “keeping score” can make it impossible. Unlike in sports or business, trying too hard to win in professional and personal relationships often delivers losing results. Real Questions that invite open discussion and thoughtful replies can…

Stop Keeping Score and Start Asking Real Questions

Getting on the same page with others of importance is challenging enough-being overly focused on “keeping score” can make it impossible. Unlike in sports or business, trying too hard to win in professional and personal relationships often delivers losing results. Real Questions that invite open discussion and thoughtful replies can…


Slowing Down to Get on the Same Page with Others Faster

Most of us have heard from leaders, managers, parents, or significant others—or thought to ourselves—“we need to get on the same page.” Often, the person speaking wants to increase team alignment on an important problem or strategy and believes a simple discussion can accomplish that goal.  This sounds like a…

Real Questions….and Why They Matter

When feeling stuck, it’s human nature to ask: “What will get me out of this tough spot?” Rather than, “What do I already know that will be helpful to me?”  This can happen because we prefer to feel less vulnerable or we don’t take the time to look beyond what…