Slowing Down To Get There Faster

Improving health measures is becoming increasingly important to many companies who want their employees to be in optimal physical and mental health. In fact, many companies are working to bring mindfulness and even the practice of meditation into the daily lives of their employees and even allowing their managers to be trained in these practices.
But, can mindfulness and meditation help your company achieve its goals? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a planning tool that provided both the big picture and detailed directions for achieving the goals of that big picture? Well, there is! It’s called CoreSelf Mapping™.
CoreSelf Mapping Defined
CoreSelf Mapping, or CSM, is both a tool and a process designed to help both managers and staff connect to their own “internal guidance system” to stay on course and in productive rhythm as they move forward to achieve the company’s goals.
How CoreSelf Mapping Works
CoreSelf Mapping is a tool to help you find answers and solutions to problems and questions you feel stuck on. It helps individuals slow down in a speeding world and view a situation from a different vantage point, typically resulting in a more refined question or next best step.
While the process is simple, changing habits is not easy. Consistent practice with the CoreSelf Map is a pathway to sustainable plans and improved outcomes.
Psychologists have demonstrated that the human brain has two primary functions:
1) “Executive functioning” This is the way we get things done.
2) “Monitoring functioning” This is the process by which we know how safe, comfortable, and successful we are at any stage of the project or journey.
CoreSelf Mapping flips the switch from executive functioning to monitoring functioning and allows us to focus on the latter. By allowing us to focus more on monitoring functioning, our energy level will become enhanced. Plus, it also makes a major difference in how we empathize values and handle the logistics of a particular project or set of issues.
However, slowing down executive functioning without the additional gain achieved by observing all parts of the project map will just cause a loss of momentum. Switching on the monitoring functioning process allows you to gain insights in new ways and to come up with sharper ideas to achieve your goals, which allows for relief from any anxiety you might be feeling. The whole process integrates your energy level, value priorities, and important next steps. In short, it creates certainty and momentum in the emerging plan to achieve your goals.

An Example Of CSM
Here’s an example:
Let’s say you have a project that requires preparing for an important presentation on the opposite coast. You have responsibilities at home that will require you to take flights at times that aren’t all that convenient. When you are in executive functioning mode, you will be focused on three areas of concern:
A). Energy level and safety to proceed. How will I manage to rest during each flight? What if there are weather issues during the flight that delay me from getting to the presentation on time? What if it ends up being too unsafe to travel at all? What if the weather permits me from getting home on time?
B). The value of making the effort. How will my family members that currently live on the opposite coast deal with my not visiting them during this trip? Are those relationships important enough that I should extend the trip to see them? Should I even tell them I’ll be in the area?
C). Practical tasks that need to be accomplished. When will the research update package I need be completed? Will my coworker be able to lead that important team meeting in my absence on Friday, or should I cancel it?
As the time to depart for the trip approaches, executive functioning may vacillate among these types of questions. You may become more anxious or more relaxed as you dwell on each.
CSM gives you a vantage point to approach the real question at stake: “As I prepare for this extremely challenging week, how can I be sure I have the best plan in place?”
Who CSM Can Help
The Process of CoreSelf Mapping can help anyone who is:
- Working hard to resolve an important question but is feeling “stuck.”
- Not sure of the way forward.
- Needing to gain confidence in their “Next Best Step.”
At the end of the day, CSM helps you and your employees slow down so you can achieve your goals faster and clearer.
Are you ready to learn more about CoreSelf Mapping? Start here.
About the Authors
Jonathan Thomas, MSW
Whether at the potter's wheel, coaching medical professionals and teams, or in his private counseling practice, Jonathan Thomas has spent his life molding, shaping and creating something beautiful and new.
Tim Preston
As a successful serial-entrepreneur and angel investor, Tim Preston has spent the majority of his life learning, overcoming, and creating, from blank pieces of paper: self, spaces, teams, and businesses.
Together, Jonathan and Tim founded Simple. Not Easy., LLC, a company that developed CoreSelf Positioning™ tools to help companies and individuals to slow down and align energy levels, values, and actions in order to formulate their best next steps.
Learn more about Jonathan, Tim & CoreSelf Positioning.