Same Page or Status Quo?
My choice. Your choice. Our choice! Getting on the same page with ourselves is a simple choice and requires nothing but an investment of our time to ask, reflect, and answer a few real questions. Cultivating this habit— in both good and bad times—can present a challenge. Do it anyway! …
When we’re feeling overboard, out of sight of land with no rescue on the way, lifen situations can seem impossible to resolve. Consider the following three narratives. Does one resonate with you more than another? A young adult who is a serious student develops strong friendships, volunteers in the community,…
Stop Keeping Score and Start Asking Real Questions
Getting on the same page with others of importance is challenging enough-being overly focused on “keeping score” can make it impossible. Unlike in sports or business, trying too hard to win in professional and personal relationships often delivers losing results. Real Questions that invite open discussion and thoughtful replies can…
Slowing Down to Get on the Same Page with Others Faster
Most of us have heard from leaders, managers, parents, or significant others—or thought to ourselves—“we need to get on the same page.” Often, the person speaking wants to increase team alignment on an important problem or strategy and believes a simple discussion can accomplish that goal. This sounds like a…
Pausing When The Heat Of Difficult Situations Is Turned Up
Pausing to consider our response-ability in challenging situations can help us to Get on the Same Page with our self and others important to us. Asking, “What can I do differently that might make this situation better?”
Centering Clay on a Potter’s Wheel
A Metaphor for Life Clay represents a metaphor for a life of relationships-and situations-and you are the potter. Life will offer its external and internal expectations of what the final piece should look like. It is the potter who gets to decide when: to add pressure and to ease up;…
Leadership Lenses of 4S Leaders
It’s important to note that many of the perspectives and references we share refer to leaders and leadership; however, don’t dismiss their advice if you’re not currently a recognized leader whose job description includes responsibility for others as, we must all take responsibility for our own behavior and achievement. Lead…
Asking and Answering Real Questions
We all instinctively know that Getting on the Same Page with our self and others is important, but why is it so elusive and difficult to accomplish? We believe it’s so important that at Simple. Not Easy, we’re hitting the reset button and designating 2024: The Year of Getting on…
Self-Positioning in Challenging Times
Have you ever found it hard to deal with the people in your life, whether at work or in your personal life? Sometimes, you might wish you had some help or guidance to figure out what to do next. We’ve helped many people with this problem, but we’ve also found…